The passion

and the art

Brotherhood imagery

Detail of one of the hands of the image of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno.

The most sublime artistic manifestations at the service of the Faith

A sequence of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ.

The sacred images venerated by the different brotherhoods and fraternities constitute a veritable street museum during Holy Week where outstanding examples of the baroque schools of Granada and Seville can be admired.

The different churches of Baena and in particular those that are canonical headquarters of centuries-old brotherhoods, house an artistic ensemble of singular relevance where the images belonging to the Holy Week brotherhoods have a prominent place. In this way, in the conventual of San Francisco the carvings of the Christ of the Whipping and of Ecce Homo (popularly known as Jesús de la Ventana), to which he is linked with the workshop of José de Mora, and that of Jesus Nazarene, a work carried out by the Sevillian sculptor Miguel de Perea in the first third of the 18th century. Also noteworthy are the Dolorosa of this brotherhood and that of Nuestro Padre Jesús del Huerto y San Diego, both made in the 1700 century. The images that give ownership to this last brotherhood and that of San Juan belonging to the Nazareno are also other notable baroque works that increase the heritage of this temple declared a Monument of Artistic Historical Interest in 1983. For its part, in the parish church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the images that process the brotherhoods of Dulce Nombre de Jesús, Santo Cristo del Calvario and Soledad de María Santísima and those belonging to the Royal Archconfraternity of Santo Cristo Resucitado and María Santísima are venerated. Rosary. In the first, the Cristo de la Sangre stands out, a sublime work related to the Mannerist sculptor Pablo de Rojas, that of San Juan (from the Pedro de Mena workshop) and that of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, attributed to the gouges of Pedro de Mena. and Jose de Mora. The image of Cristo del Calvario deserves a separate mention, a work from the 16th century that also belongs to this brotherhood, and that of the Virgen del Rosario, co-holder of the Resurrection Sunday archconfraternity.

Finally, in the parish church of Santa María la Mayor, the Holy Christ of Forgiveness, head of the Brotherhood of Silence, is venerated. It is one of the oldest images of the town, its Renaissance aesthetic although with late-Gothic reminiscences that would place it between the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the following century.

Image gallery


Jesús del Huerto

Imagen de escuela granadina datada a principios del siglo XVII. Junto a la del Nazareno goza de un gran fervor popular entre los baenenses.

Nazareno altar mayor

Jesús Nazareno

Obra del primer tercia del siglo XVII realizada por el imaginero sevillano Miguel de Perea.

Cristo del Calvario altar

Cristo del Calvario

Obra anónima de principios del siglo XVI. Procesiona como Cristo yacente en el desfile del Santo Entierro.

Cristo del Perdón

Cristo del Perdón

Talla con reminiscencias góticas de finales del siglo XV o principios del XVI. Es la titular del Vía Crucis conocido popularmente como Procesión del Silencio.

Cristo de la Sangre

Cristo de la Sangre

Crucificado manierista del siglo XVI relacionado con el escultor Pablo de Rojas.

Soledad primer plano

Virgen de la Soledad

Obra del escultor Pedro de Mena, esta imagen pasional de la Virgen María es la de mayor interés artístico de entre las que procesionan en la Semana Santa local.

Jesús de la Ventana

Ecce Homo

Conocido popularmente como Jesús de la Ventana, es una de las obras más representativas del barroco granadino en Baena.


Virgen de los Dolores

La Dolorosa que procesiona en la mañana del Viernes Santo es una talla de estética granadina que podría fecharse en la primera mitad del siglo XVIII.

San Juan Dulce Nombre II

San Juan

Imagen de la procesión del Santo Entierro. Relacionada con el taller de Pedro de Mena, fue adquirida por la cofradía del Dulce Nombre en 1706.

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